Current Status of the Project
The IPSASB approved Exposure Draft (ED) 91, Limited-scope Updates to First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) (Amendments to IPSAS 33). This ED proposes to clarify and restructure existing guidance and add new non-authoritative guidance to IPSAS 33, First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) to help public sector entities adopt accrual basis IPSAS.
ED 91 was published on August 14, 2024, and the comment period closed on December 13, 2024.
Project Timeline
The project timeline is depicted below. Please note that these are current targeted milestones/phases and may change as the work in this area progresses.

Project Overview
The objective of this project is to enhance IPSAS 33, First-time adoption of Accrual Basis IPSAS to make the pronouncement more user friendly and effective. The limited scope of the project extends to rearranging guidance by category and adding non-authoritative guidance and to clarify IPSAS 33’s role before the date of adoption, i.e., in the preparation phase; linking IPSAS 33 with the Pathways to Accrual as appropriate.
Why the IPSASB Undertook this Project
The project to update IPSAS 33 was included in the IPSASB’s work programme for 2019-2023 due to the importance of how to adopt and implement accrual-basis IPSAS for the first time, and public sector entities' transition to full adoption. Constituents indicated strong support for revising IPSAS 33, to enhance the guidance on identifying and addressing specific challenges in applying IPSAS 33 to facilitate the adoption of IPSAS. The IPSASB agreed that the Project was important as it supported its strategic objective of promoting the use of IPSAS.
The Exposure Draft is currently in the development phase. A Consultation Paper was not required.
Task Force Members
- Abdullah Al-Mehthil, Task Force Chair, IPSASB Member, Saudi Arabia
- Kamira Sanchez Nicosia, IPSASB Member, Panama
- Nor Yati Ahmad, IPSASB Member, Malaysia
- David Watkins, IPSASB Technical Advisor, United Kingdom
- Lindy Bodewig, National Treasury RSA, South Africa
- Admire Ndurunduru, Pan African Federation of Accountants, Zimbabwe
- Paul Sama, Ministry of Finance, Cameroon
Published Documents and Support
Documents in this section include:
- Major documents published by the IPSASB during the lifecycle of the project including: Consultation Papers, Exposure Drafts, issued IPSAS, amendments to IPSAS, and other similar due process documents;
- Supporting material related to each published document including: snapshots, webinars, and other material; and
- The project-relevant IPSASB agenda papers.
Issued Document
Webinars, Presentations & Videos
Board Minutes
Board Papers
Webinars, Presentations & Videos
Issued Document
Board Papers
Webinars, Presentations & Videos
Documents to be issued in due course
Documents to be issued in due course